Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Today-is the day!!

Today is the day that I take pictures of the new NRPGs- little does everyone know that not only did we pick two new main girls but I also picked another girl-but I have to wait to take her pictures- so who do yall think the new girls are??

So here are the pictures of the girls without the new girls!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Editing fun!!

So today im in full editing mode!!! I have two sessions- Holly's maternity & Sara Watson's family session&& on top of all of that Holly's baby shower!!!

But while editing I sometimes webcam it up---

But I will share some of what I'm working on as well!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Little Helper!!

So last week I spent it in Katy, Texas with 2 outta of six fave little kids!!! I tried my hardest to edit but they are just too darn cute--so we had to take a few pictures!!

This is my niece Tessa Nicole-- this girl is a ham and is the cutest, sassiest little thing you will ever meet, as "sissy"(me) tried editing she thought she could help soo, this is us editing!!!

Haha we had fun!! I wanted to share some of their pictures for yall that havent been shown before!! Enjoy!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Editors way of life!!

Sooo today I'm editing wedding pictures and a you can tell my table is crazy and I'm crazy because who can edit and eat at the same time???? Really?? Haha well as it rains well begins to rain I'm gonna sit here and edit away and watch "Sex in the City" until my electricity goes out or I lose signal but when it does you best believe the Judd's will be playing loudly!! Until then tata world!!
Peace.Love.&&&Rainy days!!
<3 Nicole

P.s don't forget to book your sessions and place your order for canvases!!